Chess Clocks
The more a sport is seen as a measure of performance, the more important it is to limit the time a player needs to make a move. DGT clocks offer many different methods for the timing of a game.
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Our digital clocks
Choose from the most innovative, high-quality & sustainable digital chess clocks that deliver top performance at all levels of chess. Enjoy handy features such as Delay and Bonus for extra thinking time.
New product

DGT1500 Grey
New product

DGT1500 Blue

DGT2500 Official FIDE Chess Clock

DGT3000 The FIDE Championship Clock

DGT3000 The FIDE Championship Clock LE

DGT2010 Official FIDE Chess Clock

DGT Echo Talking Chess Clock

DGT North American

DGT1001 Black

DGT1001 White

DGT1002 Bonus Chess Timer

DGT1005 Byo-yomi Timer

DGT1006 Backgammon Timer

DGT Easy Plus
Out of production

DGT Easy Black Beyond
Out of production

DGT Easy Crimson Cruz
Out of production

DGT Travel Timer
Out of production

DGT Easy Judit Polgar
Out of production

DGT Pocket Timer
Out of production

DGT2010 Limited Edition
Out of production

DGT Pyramid 4-Player Game Timer
Out of production

DGT Cube 6-Player Game Timer
Out of production

Out of production